Library Lost 2022

Library Lost Cover

Library Lost
The Great Library Series (Book 2)
Paperback: 323 pages
Publisher: Hinterlands Press (November 13, 2018)
ISBN-10: 0997845333
ISBN-13: 978-0997845334

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Library Lost
Book Two in the Great Library Series
by Laurie Graves

Library Lost is the second book in the Great Library Series, in which two forces, Time and Chaos, battle each other for control of the Great Library, that mysterious place at the center of the universe where all information flows. When Library Lost opens, the librarians allied with Time and led by Sydda, are in charge of the Great Library. These librarians believe that facts do matter, and they created Books of Everything to share the facts with other planets. However a group of adversarial librarians, led by Cinnial, are allied with Chaos. They have their own books and want to take charge of the Great Library to create an alternative reality.

In the middle of this battle between Time and Chaos is one kid from Earth—Maya Hammond. At the end of Maya and the Book of Everything, after traveling across the universe—to the Great Library and to the Duchy of Caxton on the planet Ilyria—Maya is home safe and sound at her grandparents’ farmhouse in East Vassalboro, Maine. But not for long. Although her nemesis, Chet Addington, is imprisoned in Caxton, Maya’s worries are not over. While watching the evening news, Maya sees Humphrey, the murderous Caxton duke whom she helped overthrow. Humphrey is by the side of the president of the United States, who just happens to be Andy, Maya’s traveling companion when she went back in time to the 1970s. It doesn’t take Maya long to figure out that Andy—now President Murphy—is in trouble. And so is she.

Library Lost picks up where Maya and the Book of Everything left off, with Maya having to warn Andy about Humphrey. As Chaos closes in on Earth, Ilyria, and the Great Library, Maya must figure out what her role is in the endless battle between Time and Chaos.