I work from my home office in Winthrop, a small town in lakes region of central Maine. I studied at University of Maine at Orono, Goddard College in Plainfield Vermont and Vermont College (Norwich University). My art studies were in art history, painting, and photography. For over 25 years I have been involved with computers, software, managing data, databases and doing graphic design.
For 6 years, I was co-publisher of Wolf Moon Journal, A Maine Journal of Art and Opinion. I did the graphic design and My Wife Laurie did the editing for the Monthly journal. In 2016 Laurie and I launched Hinterlands Press as the imprint for Laurie’s books and my book design work.
I initially used Scribus and Gimp for page layout and graphic design work. I have used InDesign. Currently I use Affinity Publisher, Affinity Photo, and Gimp for most of my book design and page layout work. My OS of choice is Linux but unfortunately InDesign and Affinity Publisher do not have Linux versions so I am stuck in Windows land much of the time.