Press Kit

Laurie Graves

Laurie Graves is a blogger ( with an international following. As a result, Maya and the Book of Everything has sold in Ireland and Canada as well as in the United States, from Maine to Ohio to California. The book has received excellent reviews in Amazon and on Goodreads. She maintains an author website (, and has a strong presence on Facebook. Laurie Graves is available for author talks, book signings, and has a formal presentation, Threads of Realism in Fantasy: Maya, Maine, and the Franco-American Connection. With her books and her presentation, she travels statewide.

She likes to say she was born in County Tolkien, but really she was born in Kennebec County—in Waterville, Maine—and is a fifth-generation Mainer and a Franco-American. With her husband Clif Graves, Laurie Graves published the magazine Wolf Moon Journal for seven years, where she wrote essays and edited pieces that went in the journal. Her essay, “On Being Franco-American” has been read on the radio and is used in a French study class at the University of Maine at Orono. Laurie Graves has been published in the anthology Heliotrope: French Heritage Women Create and in magazines and journals.

Maya and the Book of Everything - Book One of the Great Library Series

Maya and the Book of Everything Cover
Maya and the Book of Everything ebook
Maya and the Book of Everything 3D Book Cover

“This is an excellently crafted urban fantasy, one that teens and adults will like a lot. From the moment you meet Maya on a Boston-bound train until the very surprising twist at the end, which so smoothly sets up the next book, you’re in for an adventure.”

-John Clark, retired librarian

“The story grips you right out of the gate and continues straight through to the last page.”
~Melissa Gillan,, County Galway, Ireland

Library Lost  - Book Two of the Great Library Series

Library Lost Cover
Library Lost ebook
Library Lost 3D Book Cover

"Perfect escape, though often very realistic, as far as peoples' behavior and motives are concerned.
Good ideas. Fast Plot. Endearing characters. Places, where one would like to stay."
~ Amazon Review from a reader in Germany

Out of Time - Book Three of the Great Library Series

Out Of Time Cover
Our Of Time ebook
Our Of Time  3D Book Cover

"Maya continues to be an interesting, smart, and very likable character. A girl of substance, for sure. I love the character development in this book, the action, the twists and turns and the magic, of course! It kept me reading, right to the end."
~Canadian Author Cynthia Reyes

Of Time and Magic - Book Four of the Great Library Series

Of Time and Magic Cover
Of Time and Magic ebook
Of Time and Magic  3D Book Cover

More Information about Laurie Graves can be found at her Blog.